The girl said that a Hayumi Zayura also invited her as a “friend” on Facebook. Without her knowledge, John Jayson Antonio (the suspect) is using Direck, Zayura and several other fake accounts in Facebook. This is termed as TROLL accounts meaning to lure other Internet users into sending responses to carefully designed incorrect statements.
Since the girl is into modeling, Zayura encouraged her to ingest protein powder to make her body have a better shape. “It sounds so interesting to me so I am happy for his offer,” the girl said in her affidavit.
Zayura told her to send her "s3xy and nud3 photos" to see the before and after effects of the protein powder. She sent copies of her photos to Zayura's email address, and that started the girl's nightmare.
Three weeks later, Zayura told her that she lost her mobile phone and that the photos she sent through email were already transferred to the mobile phone.
The victim was panic-stricken and tried to call the "finder" of the supposedly missing mobile phone demanding to return the phone where her photos were stored. She received a text message asking her to pay P10,000 in exchange for the phone. He blackmailed and threatened her to upload her nud3 photos on the Internet if she refused to give him money or have s3x with him.
On the third week of January, the phone finder introduced himself as Jhenrick de Jesus, demanded a DLSR camera before he will return the phone with her s3xy pictures. She told the guy that she doesn't have a DLSR camera, the guy reportedly asked for P15,000.
For fear that her nud3 and s3xy pictures will be posted in the Internet, she stole the iPad of her classmate so she could initially pay the guy in exchange for the phone. De Jesus instructed the girl to give the iPad to Direck in exchange for the phone with her s3xy pictures in it.
The girl contacted the NBI which planned the entrapment. At 7:20 p.m. on March 6, an entrapment was launched by the NBI agent that lead to the arrest of John Jayson Antonio inside the mall. Recovered from Antonio was the P15,000 marked money.
The National Bureau of Investigation - Central Visayas (NBI 7) filed criminal charges before the Office of the Cebu City Prosecutor against John Jayson Antonio for robbery-extortion and violation of Republic Act 7610, or the Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act.
The girl told the NBI agent that Antonio also took the her other valuables, including a camera, violin, earrings and a Walkman.
Hope that this serves as a moral lesson especially for young girls who are the easy prey of these vultures in a sheep's skin. Never trust anyone especially in Facebook if you don't know a person well and don't send any photos especially s3xy and nud3 ones as these might be the start of your agony and nightmare.
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